North Korean Nuclear Development

4 Jul

Currently, North Korean threat of its third nuclear weapon’s experiment became the center of attention in global society. Just about a month ago, North Korean government denounced any possibility of an expansion in their nuclear weapons program, not long before United States captured a satellite picture, which depicted possible on-going development of nuclear weapons. This satellite picture intensified the relationship between the international community (as US likes to refer as) and North Korea and eventually led the North Korean authoritarian regime to announce that North Korea will continue with the nuclear developmental program.

This kind of international conflict, involving weapons of mass destruction, can bring upon devastating consequences to the world itself, so the conflicting countries have to be thoughtful of  each other and come to a peaceful compromise. There are multiple causes of this problem and the main ones include authoritative and cantankerous attitude of US towards North Korea and disorder within North Korean government due to Kim Jung Un’s abrupt succession of his father, Kim Jung Il.

In order to find peaceful resolutions for this crisis, US and North Korea have to come to a mutual understanding of each other and try to respect one another in order to guarantee each other’s benefit and peace over the world. US’s nuclear intervention of North Korea was reasonable because a country possessing a nuclear weapon can be a serious threat, if abused by malicious government. However, US must respect the sovereignty of North Korea after the country’s authoritarian regime has declared that it would stop the nuclear development. Also, North Korea has to understand US’s position and show trustworthy evidence in order to persuade the world that North Korea is no longer a threat.

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